I was struggling with both maths and English during year 12 and I was directed to MarkitUP by a friend and honestly, it saved my life. In that short time frame, my marks improved dramatically and it just opened up my brain and made everything easy to understand. I ended up doing better than expected in HSC and it was all thanks to MarkItUP. If students just don’t understand maths or find it really hard to write in English you should attend MarkItUp I guarantee you will see results!
Preliminary and HSC Programs
(Year 11 and Year 12)
Our magical teaching system 🪄
High School mathematics is 2 hours long covering all the topics required under the NSW syllabus.
High School English is 1.5 hours long. Instead of focusing on texts, we focus no analytical skills and building students writing skills in short answer and extended responses.
High School Mathematics 
In Year 11 and 12 there are several different levels of Mathematics. In order from highest to lowest:
👉Extension 2 Mathematics (4 unit Mathematics) – available to Year 12 only
👉Extension 1 Mathematics (3 unit Mathematics)
👉Advanced Mathematics (2 units Mathematics)
👉Standard 2 Mathematics (ATAR)
👉Standard 1 Mathematics (NON-ATAR)
Learn, Test & Revise
Learn, Test & Revise
Double Teaching Method
We have built our high shool maths curriculum through a unique and exciting "double-teaching method". Our tutors have noticed that students find it difficult to retain new content, despite their best efforts. This is why we have utilised 5 lessons to teach each topic in our Mathematics program; fours lessons are spent on an introduction and exposure to new concepts, and the final lesson are used to revise the complex content.
Individualised attention and care
Understand how your child is progressing
High School English 🕮
In Year 11 and 12 there are several different levels of English. In order from highest to lowest:
Extension 2 English
Extension 1 English
Advanced English
Standard English
It is all about the student!
It is all about the student!
Focus on student’s text
We are aware that the years between 11 and 12 are quite difficult for students, who prefer to concentrate on the text they are studying in class rather than a different text. We will exclusively discuss and go over your particular material during our courses, assisting you in better understanding and analysing it.
Congratulations to our hardworking students 🙌🙌
HSC Results 
From the previous year, Markitup has an overall 63% success rate !
Below is a list of Markitup Students are received an offer or a reserve offer into OC Classes and Selective Schools.
Mahima – 97.25
Charlton Lau – 96.05
Nam Nguyen – 93.8
David Ramos – 92
Ripel – 90.9
Ken D’Souza – 91
Jake – 89.95 (2nd in NSW for Extension History – American Studies)
…and many more!
Looking for our Class Timetable?
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Fill out the form below and we’ll reach out to you asap for a quick phone chat.
Below please let us know:
👉Your child(dren)’s name
👉 Your child(dren)’s grade
👉What grade they are in
👉Are you interested in Prestons / Liverpool / Fairfield Centre